Introducing Team 75
The ministry of New England Frontier Camp is celebrating 75 years of building disciples using God's Word and outdoor experiences!
We are asking for new donors to partner with us as we strengthen our ministry for the next 75 years!
We were blessed to have survived the economic downturn and pandemic response that was a fatal blow for many ministries, camps, and non-profits like ours, but not without feeling some real pain. We are looking to build our giving partner base to get financially strong so we can continue to focus on building Godly disciples for many more years to come.
Team 75 is made up of those who already support New England Frontier Camp financially on a regular recurring basis (monthly, weekly, or quarterly giving) and those who begin now to give regularly to either our General Fund or Scholarship Fund.
Listen to a message from our Board of Directors about the Team 75 initiative
NEFC is a 501 (c) 3 organization under the rules of the IRS, and your donations are tax deductible. All donors will receive a mailed receipt within a month of their donations. Donors with email addresses on file will receive an email acknowledgment immediately upon receipt of an online donation. All donors will receive an end of year acknowledgment listing their donations for the year.